To initiate a return, we ask you to fill in the contact form available on our website. The contact form contains important information that will help us process your return quickly and efficiently, so make sure you fill in all the required information. After we have received and processed your return request, we will send further instructions about the return. 

You can only claim the right of withdrawal when you do not use the product after receipt. Once we have received and inspected the returned products, we will ensure that the refund or warranty claim is processed as quickly as possible. We strive to do this within a reasonable period, taking into account the nature of the product and the specific situation.

At Back in Use we value our customers and are always ready to address any questions, concerns or requests regarding returns, right of withdrawal or warranty. Do not hesitate to contact our customer service via the contact details on our website. Our team is ready to help you and find a solution together.

Thank you for trusting Back in Use as your online shopping destination for refurbished IT and enjoy your purchases.

Het Back in Use-team.